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Want to learn more about chances to advance your career, learn more about topics relevant to PPLE, and experience the city of Amsterdam? As the AIM Board, we wanted to compile a list of events, initiatives, and ongoing projects that we hear about and relay them to you! 

This page will be consistently updated with the cultural and professional opportunities in Amsterdam --  so make sure to visit periodically to check what's new!


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Interview Workshop

Next week February 22, ASVA & AKvV's application training will take place at CREA. During this training, the ins-and-outs of conducting a good job interview with candidate directors will be discussed, and directors (or other attendees on behalf of the association) will be trained in how best to approach and conduct such an interview.

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PPLE Academic Journal: 
Writing Initiative

Interested in joining this year's Writing Initiative for the PPLE Academic Journal 2024 as a writer?

Here's your chance to be part of a dynamic team, guiding you through the process of crafting either an Op-Ed or academic article. As a writer, you'll collaborate within a small, supportive group, engaging in workshops and receiving personalized feedback from our experienced managing editors.
This opportunity offers invaluable experience, enriching your CV while contributing to PPLE's very own Academic Journal. Sign ups are open until February 25th!


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Huis Marseille:
The Sacrifice Zone

This autumn/winter Huis Marseille, Museum of Photography will be showing photographer Eddo Hartmann’s latest multimedia project, The Sacrifice Zone. This exhibition is open until March 3rd.

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Rijksmusem: Frans Hals

Extraordinarily productive, innovative, entertaining and a little rough around the edges: Frans Hals was one of a handful of painters who defined the 17th century. View his finest works at the Rijksmuseum from 16 February 2024!

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Entrée Study Sessions: Studying and Working with Live Music

Need to study for classes, but want a break from the library? Visit the Concertgebouw to study or work while Entrée, the youth club of The Concertgebouw, and the Concertgebouw Orchestra perform! 


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The Price Is Wrong: Why Capitalism Is Not Going to Save Us

What if our understanding of capitalism and climate is back to front? What if the problem is not that transitioning to renewables is too expensive, but that saving the planet is not sufficiently profitable? This is the claim renowned geographer Brett Christophers makes in his latest book, The Price Is Wrong. On March 7th at 20:00 at SPUI 25, he will discuss this premise with a panel of guest speakers.

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ACES Conference:
Sustainable Digitalization in Europe

ACES is delighted to host a topical conference exploring the dynamic intersection of digitalization and sustainability in Europe. As the continent embarks on a transformative journey towards a greener and more digital future, this conference aims to address the twin challenge of fostering sustainable digitalization.

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Materialities in social science research: Two lectures, one conversation 

AISSR Lecture Maria Kaika & Annemarie Mol

Since they arose, the social sciences have tried to liberate themselves from the natural sciences. This opened up space for social science research, but left us ill-equipped to address the material dimension of social life. In this AISSR Lecture, Professors Annemarie Mol and Maria Kaika share their insights on how to better understand the role of materials in social science research.


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Nacht Tegen Seksueel Geweld

On the night of April 20-21, 2024, Plan International is organizing the Night Against Sexual Violence in Amsterdam: a twenty-kilometer walk along places that are not always perceived as safe. With this walk, they want to stand up against sexual violence and work towards everyone being able to walk the streets safely at all times.

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Volunteer with Neighborhood Feminists!

Neighborhood Feminists organizes local, direct-impact community projects that make a tangible difference in individuals’ lives, working from a feminist, intersectional and anti-racist perspective. These goals are worked towards through conducting research, disseminating key information, and distributing menstrual products throughout the city of Amsterdam.

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Volunteer with Edu-Help!

Thousands of refugee children are socially disadvantaged an in need of guidance. Through education we can offer them a chance to a brighter future. Edu-Help was launched in order to connect passionate university students who are interested in volunteering at refugee centers. We recruit students that would like to give back to the society we live in. With the help of the COA refugee centers in Amsterdam, our volunteers give extra-tutoring classes to refugee children! 

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